Road Tax
Service members, civilians, and other Status of Forces Agreement personnel can pay the annual road tax for their personal vehicles at these locations.
Payments must be in Japanese Yen. -- Checks, credit cards and U.S. currency will not be accepted.
When paying the tax, personnel will be required to have their original vehicle title.
Mini-car and motorcycle taxes must be paid from April 1 to May 31 from 8:30 am to noon and 1-5 pm to local city, town or village offices. Bring the receipt to the Joint Service Vehicle Registration Office or tax collection site to receive the current road tax sticker.
All vehicles not de-registered before April 1 must pay road tax and display the current road tax decal before June 1.
Camp Foster Williams Technical Services, KK.
Bldg# 5644 AAFES Car Care Center. Inside the Express
Tel: 098-971-4601 (From Off-Base) *& Fax
DSN: 646-4601
mail to:
Camp Foster Autopia Insurance
1934 Adaniya, Kitanakagusuku-Son
Outside Foster Gate 6. American Legion Bldg 2F (SAM’s Bldg)
Tel: 098-935-4506 (From Off-Base)
Fax: 098-935-4509
Kadena AFB Williams Technical Services, KK.
2-14-22 Ihei, Chatan-Cho
mail to:
Kadena AFB Nakama Agency (U.S Auto
2-4-5 1F Hamagawa Chatan-Cho
Outside KAB Gate 1
Tel: 098-926-1089 (From Off-Base)
Kadena AFB OTS Insurance
KAB USO Bldg#337
Tel: 098-938-4279 (From Off-Base)
Fax: 098-937-5338
mail to :
Kadena AFB GEA Insurance
Kadena Auto Hobby Shop Bldg #1436.
Tel: 03-4580-0152 (From Off-Base)
DSN: 634-8000-4-7440
mail to:
Kadena AFB GEA Insurance
Kadena Exchange
Tel: 080-6499-7678
mail to:
Kadena AFB GEA Insurance
4-13-1 Chuou Okinawa-City
Off-Base, Near KAB gate 2. Across from Korinza
Tel: 098-988-7380/7383 (From Off-Base)
mail to:
Kadena AFB BC Used Cars
56-6 Uechi Okinawa-City
Off-Base, Right outside KAB Gate 2
Tel: 098-930-1585 (From Off Base)
Fax: 098-988-5559
mail to:
Camp Courtney Williams Technical Services, KK.
Tel: 098-954-6308 (From Off- Base)
DSN: 622-6308
mail to:
Camp Hansen Williams Technical Services, KK.
In The Palms
Tel: 090-1086-2710
mail to:
Camp Hansen GEA Insurance
Hansen USO, Bldg#2214
Tel: 098-969-5025 (From Off- Base)
DSN: 623-5025
mail to:
MCAS Futenma GEA Insurance
Futenma USO. Bldg#401
DSN: 636-5203
mail to: