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The Green Line

Camp Butler Logo
Forward Deployed. Forward Engaged.
MCB Butler's Shuttle Bus Service

*Actual travel times vary depending on traffic or weather conditions. customers should allow 5 minutes before and after posted times.

EXPRESS(Camp to Camp)

Temporary Bus Stop Relocation on Camp Hansen
2025 Holiday Schedules

Temporally Late Night Express Shuttle Service
Gate 7 (USNH) will be open 24/7. 
Gate 6 (Legion) will be open every day from 0500-2100.
Base Passes can be issued at Gate 6 any time during operation.
Base Passes can be issued 24/7 at Gate 5 (Commissary Gate).
Gate 1 (HQ) will be open M-F from 0500-1900.
Bus Stop Relocation on MCAS Futenma
Temporary Hansen Intra Shuttle Service
Temporary Service Suspension
Intra shuttle service to building #217 on Camp Foster will be suspended due to road construction until further notice.
Read our stories "The Green Line" celebrates 15th Anniversary of service on Okinawa on dvids (Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System) "The Green Line" - Marines' Okinawa bus line fetes 15 years in business on JAPAN UPDATE
Our Mission
The Green Line is provided by Marine Corps Installations Pacific, Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler. Our goal is to provide Safe, Dependable, Reliable ground transportation for persons traveling aboard or between Marine Corps installations for official duties while offering space available travel to qualified persons. This initiative affords many savings for the Marine Corps and the Department of Defense. 1. The Green Line is a scheduled-activity bus service funded with appropriated funds (APF). 2. Because The Green Line buses operate using APF, the buses are used for official purposes only, supporting the national defense mission by operating within and between Marine Corps facilities and areas in Okinawa, Japan. In this sense, The Green Line operates as a "shuttle bus" service for transporting: a. Enlisted personnel between bachelor billeting and work areas (M-F, 0730-1630). b. Military personnel (all ranks) and civilian employees between offices and work areas during normal duty hours (M-F, 0730-1630). 3. Military dependents may ride The Green Line buses on a space-available basis at no additional cost to the government. 4. The Green Line buses cannot be used solely to facilitate liberty or other unofficial (i.e., personal business or convenience) purposes.5. The Green Line buses cannot be used for military family housing "home-to-duty" transportation.

Authorized Passengers
Authorized passengers are those entitled persons (military, family members, and civilian employees) and their bona fide guest per Marine Corps Order on Motor Transport Branch, the Government of Japan/United States of America Mutual Defense Treaty and the Status of Forces Agreement between the United States of America and the Government of Japan. The unauthorized use of TGL is prohibited and violators will be reported to Military and or Japanese Police for adjudication.

Bona fide guests are defined as: (1) those "guests" sponsored by a member of the United States Forces Japan with privileges offered under the Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Japan. (2) Whose residence is physically located outside the Country of Japan. (3) Who have entered Japan legally in a temporary visitor's status. Base Visitors Pass does not constitute "Bona Fide Guest Status."

Passenger Identification

  • All passengers are required to possess and present proper valid identification upon entering the bus and any other time, while still on the bus, as requested. Proper forms of identification are:
    • Valid Military Identification Card (i.e. Active Duty, Reserve, Retired Military, Military Family member.
    • Base Employee Pass for MLC Employees or IHA Employees traveling on Official Business.
    • DoD Employees of Government Contract Identification Card.

Passenger Seating
Active duty military members have priority. Seating is First-Come, First-Serve.
No passengers will be required to relinquish their seats if outside the camp of origin.
Example: If a passenger (non active duty) boards a TGL bus at foster traveling to Camp Schwab and during the intermittent stop at Camp Hansen the bus is overloaded, the seated passengers from Camp Foster have no obligation to relinquish their seat.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Pick-ups and Drop-offs are authorized at designated bus stops located within military bases only.

MCB Motor Transport Branch/The Green Line accepts no responsibility for passenger conduct, misconduct, personal injury, or loss/damage of property. Travel is not guaranteed and passengers are responsible for their actions and belongings.

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Expand List item 2539Collapse List item 2539  

Q: Can I charter buses from The Green Line for tours, battle sites or family days?

A: TGL buses are not normally used for service outside of their fixed schedules. MCB Camp Smedly D. Butler provides passenger bus service through several different venues for units and group functions. Marine Corp Community Service (MCCS) Simper If Bus Line provides contract service while MCB AC/SO G-4, Motor Transport Branch Fleet Manager provides USMC buses on occasion when meeting requirements of MCO P11240.106B, while the Regional Contracting Office may assist you on charter/contracting off base buses.

Expand List item 2543Collapse List item 2543  Q: Can I carry items on the bus? If so are there any restrictions?

A: Driver permission is required. Passengers may carry bags, packages, or other personal items as long as it does not jeopardize safety, interfere with other passengers or damage the bus. It is against the law to carry very large or dangerous items, (flammables, propellants, large batteries, all forms of ordnance and weapons), on any bus. Items must be carried on your lap or be stowed under your seat while upon TGL. Golf bags, surfboards, and bicycles are not permitted on The Green Line. Backpacks and book bags must be held in front of your body so they do not affect others as you move about the bus. Small animals (except for Service Animals) are not authorized.
*During heightened FP Con, NO bags and packages will be allowed
Expand List item 2546Collapse List item 2546  Q: Can my guest ride The Green Line?

A: Only Bona fide Guest are authorized to ride aboard TGL buses provided they have proper passes for Base access and completed a approved by the MTB Fleet Manager. MCB MTB Bona fide Guests are defined as:

(1) Those "guest" sponsored by a member of the United States Forces Japan with privileges offered under the Status Of Forces Agreement between the United States and Japan. (2) Whose residence is physically located outside the country of Japan. (3) Those who have entered Japan Legally in a temporary visitor's status. Base visitor's pass does not constitute "Bona Fide Guest Status."

Authorized passengers are those entitled persons (military, family members, civilian employees and their Bona fide guests) allotted per Marine Corps Order on Motor Transport Branch, the Government of Japan/United States of America Mutual Defense Treaty and the Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and the Government of Japan. The unauthorized use of TGL is prohibited and violators will be reported to Military and/or Japanese Police for adjudication.

Expand List item 2545Collapse List item 2545  Q: Can TGL Group Travel be used to move units deploying or returning from deployment?

A: TGL buses are not normally used for service outside their fixed schedules. MCB Camp Smedly D. Butler provides passenger bus service via MCB AC/S G-4, Motor Transport Branch for unit training and deployments. TGL Group Travel accommodates units traveling between Marine Camps on Okinawa along established routes. MTB Fleet Manager may deploy large buses during known low travel times in accordance with authorizing transportation of weapons or equipment. Adjusted with a case by case modification of the pick up and drop off points.

Expand List item 2540Collapse List item 2540  Q: Who do I contact if Personal/Government items are left aboard the bus?
A: Items found abandoned aboard buses are relinquished to Military Police Central, Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan.
Expand List item 2541Collapse List item 2541  Q: Why doesn't The Green Line operate longer on weekdays and earlier on weekends and holidays?
A: TGL's operating periods have been carefully designed through a specific process focused on meeting mission requirements, available resources, employee work standards, route travel time and federal and Marine Corps regulations governing driver fatigue / driving time. The commanding General of MCB Camp Smedly D. Butler is the final approving authority for TGL's hours of operations.
Expand List item 2547Collapse List item 2547  Q: Why doesn't The Green Line provide a route to Okuma?
A: The Green Line was designed to provide safe and reliable transportation for Marines who are restricted from vehicle operation/ownership and travel between U.S. Military installations. Authority for operating TGL is contained in the MCO P11240.106B and DoD Inst. 4500.35-1R. The Armed Forces Joint Recreation Center at Okuma is outside the bounds of regulatory allowance.
Expand List item 2538Collapse List item 2538  Q: Why doesn't The Green Line service Kadena Air Force Base?
A: The Green Line was designed to provide safe and reliable transportation for Marines traveling between U.S. Military installations. The secondary objective was to reduce the number of government vehicles the number of government vehicles operating in support of passengers traveling between the designated locations. The Green Line operates at 100% of its resources and is unable to expand without additional contracting. Currently TGL has numerous requests from Camp Commanders for additional services creating an impossible environment for expanding service. The Marine Corps maintains a small operational presence on Kadena Air Base, through which transportation requirements have been satisfied through simple measures of promoting economical and efficient use of MCB's resources.
Expand List item 2542Collapse List item 2542  Q: Why is eating and drinking prohibited on The Green Line?
A: The Green Line operations require resources (buses) to be operated continuously throughout the work period for weeks at a time. This high operational tempo amplified by the lack of designated cleaning crews could result in unsanitary/unhealthy if not managed through a strict no food/beverage policy.
Expand List item 2544Collapse List item 2544  Q: Why is tobacco use restricted?
A: Department of Defense and Marine Corps directives restrict tobacco use in GOV Vehicles.
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Expand List item 2534Collapse List item 2534  Carry-on Items

Passengers may carry bags, packages or other personal items provided if:

Approval is obtained from the driver.
Safety is not jeopardized.
Items do not interfere with other passenger's comfort
Items must fit securely in the cabin and not above seat backs.
*Prohibited items include flammables, propellants, large batteries, all forms of ordnance and weapons that have not been authorized by the Motor Transport Branch Officer. Commanders may request permission via telephone at (645-3657) or sending an e-mail to their OMB.

Expand List item 2537Collapse List item 2537  Crime Prevention


There's NO Excuse for Bus or Employee Abuse

TGL / Government Property

Buses, Equipment, materials to include bus stop benches and signs are property of the Government of the United States. Persons causing damage in any forms are subject to prosecution under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Civilian and Military Family members suspected of damaging property of The Green Line will be relinquished to the MCB Base Inspector or Okinawan Prefecture Police for prosecution.

TGL / Government Employee
TGL emplyees are protected under the CG MCB Camp Smedly D. Butler Polices regarding Hostile Work Environments, Sexual Harassment, and Equal Opprotunity.

Baggage / Cargo / Weapons
Passengers may carry bags, packages and other personal items provided

  • Approval is obtained from the driver.
  • Safety is not jeopardized.
  • Items do not interfere with other passengers comfort.
  • Items must fit securely in the cabin and not above seat backs.
  • Prohibited items include: flammables, propellants, large batteries and all forms of ordnance and weapons that have no been authorized by the
  • Motor Transport Branch Officer. Commanders may request permission via telephone to (645-2460) or sending an e-mail to their OMB.
  • All items are subject to search.

*MCB Butler, Motor Transport Branch, The Green Line is not responsible for articles lost, damaged or stolen.
If you see someone abusing the bus, report it to the nearest miltary aruthority.

MCB Butler PMO 24 hour crime hotline: 645-1111

Expand List item 2535Collapse List item 2535  Crisis Response
In the event of an emergency or crisis, passengers should assist in managing the situation. If you are the senior passenger, take charge. If you are not senior, obey and assist the senior member in managing the situation. All buses are equipped with a cellular phone to contact Military Authorities. In the event of an accident or mechanical failure, passengers are to respond to directions from the driver.

The senior passenger is expected to take charge of the other passengers and assist in any crisis or emergency situation that may occur. Duties include assessing the situation, assisting the driver where necessary, and ensuring passenger identification and accountability is established. Passengers may require relocation if the bus cannot be moved off the roadway. Passengers must remain at the scene until release by authorities.

In the event of motor vehicle accident all passengers will be considered as witnesses. Do not discuss the event among other passengers to avoid distorting facts or confusing ones self or others. Do not provide any information to persons outside MCB Butler GME Management (Road Masters or TGL Management) or members of the Provost Marshal's Office. Do not engage in dialogue with Okinawan Prefecture Police (OPP)(Japanese Police) without authorization from MCB Provost Marshal's Office and only when assisted by MCB PMO Translators.
Expand List item 2532Collapse List item 2532  Rider's Responsibility
All individuals riding The Green Line have a responsibility to ensure personal conduct is kept in a manner deemed within Marine Corps standards. Being respectful and courteous to all passengers, guests, and employees. All persons should be alert for suspicious activity and exercise individual protective measures for personal safety and the safety of other passengers. It is also expected that riders render assistance or first aide as necessary and are responsible to protect and preserve Government property.
Expand List item 2533Collapse List item 2533  Rules & Restrictions
1. Seat Belts are required to be worn while bus is in motion. Children under 4 years must be secured in a child safety seat.
2. Child Safety Seats must be supplied by passengers for children under 4 years of age or less than 40 pounds.
3. Use of inappropriate, offensive, graphic, distasteful language will not be tolerated.
4. Alcohol is Prohibited aboard The Green Line.
5. Protruding any body part or other item from windows is prohibited.
6. Use of lighter, spark, flash, laser or other similar device is prohibited.
7. Use of radios, cell phones, CD/DVD players, or other similar devices without headsets is prohibited.
8. Eating and Drinking is prohibited onboard all Green Line buses.
9. Food items not sealed/packaged are prohibited
10. Use of (any and all) tobacco products is strictly prohibited
11. Standing while the bus is in motion is prohibited. Exception to this rule is the #55 bus onboard MCAS Futenma
  • Riders must be 12 years of age or older to ride the Inside the Camp Shuttles when not accompanied by a parent.
  • Riders must be 14 years of age or older to ride the Express Buses unaccompanied by a parent.
Expand List item 2536Collapse List item 2536  Windows

TGL coach windows have dark window tint film applied over the factory tint for all side and rear windows. The provides a degree of security and enhances individual force protection measures in addition to helping keep the cabin cool. Opening of windows diminishes these objectives and also allow road dust, dirt and moisture to accumulate creating unsanitary conditions and consume additional resources and fuel.

*Cabin windows are not authorized to be opened except in bona fide emergency situations.

TGL Typhoon Operations

Okinawa is subject ot torrential rains, tornados, water spouts, tsunamis and typhoons.
Okinawa is subject to various forms of destructive weather; the most commonly occurring are typhoons. However, water spouts and tornados are possible as well. TGL will operate routes and services as dictated by safety. TGL will post warning signs in buses at TCCOR-2.

AFN Radio 89.1 FM (The Wave) provides continuous reporting of weather conditions related to Okinawa.


 4,3,2 Normal Operations
 1 TGL Shutdown will be 3-hours after the setting of TCCOR-1
 1E ALL SERVICES SUSPENDED  Notice: you are responsible for your travel.  If you elect to travel during TCCOR-1 be advised that sudden changes could leave you stranded.
 1R No service during this condition of readiness.  TGL Destructive Cell is reactivated at Foster.  ALL SERVICES SUSPENDED DURING TCCOR 1R.

TGL will return to regular service as quickly as possible upon the setting of TCCOR-SW/AC.  If TCCOR-SW/AC is set with less than 8-hours remaining in TGL’s normally prescribed schedule, TGL will resume normal operations the following day.

 AC Normal Operations

*Rain makes driving extremely hazardous as roads become slippery.  TGL drivers will exercise extreme caution during wet road conditions.  This may in turn affect arrival and departure time.


Need a transportation for a large group of people for a unit outing, wedding or beach party? Visit MCCS Motor-T site.
MCCS Motor Transportation 

Marine Corps Base Camp Butler